
Reed Wrenches | Hand Tools Reed HWB Hydrant Wrench

$ 39.00 $ 18.00

Reed HWB Hydrant Wrench…

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Reed HS6 Specifications:•  Pentagon Nominal Inches: 1-3/4″ •  Square Nominal Inches: 1-1/4″•  Length: 20″   •  Weight: 4.5   Reed HS6 Includes:•  (1) Hydrant Wrench Reed HS6 Features:•  The HW forged steel and economical HWB cast ductile iron wrenches fit pentagon nuts up to 1 3/4” or square nuts up to 1 1/4”. Both wrenches also have spanners for either pin or lug style host couplings. Hydrant Wrenches are zinc chromate plated. The HWS45 is a Storz style wrench for hydrants and 4” and 5” Storz fittings. The head and threaded handle adjust to fit standard sizes of pentagon and square hydrant nuts. A spanner hook is part of the head casting, which loops out to grab lugs on the Storz style fittings, allowing the whole wrench to turn these fittings. HWS45 has a ductile iron head and a steel handle.